The Future Is Now: Now you can try out a DIY project in augmented reality before you make it in real life

Our XR (extended reality) platform enables our users to not just view and design the world virtually, like most other AR apps, but our hardware also bring them to the corresponding points in the real world. It is this combination of immersive technologies that enables our users to change their own physical environments from concept to completion without the need to do any math or calculations.
I had the pleasure of interviewing David Xing, the founder and CEO of PLOTT. An award winning Extended Reality company that brings virtual visualization into the real world using their connected hardware. They have just won Best of Innovation in AR / VR, a single award given to the company the judges deem the best in category at CES 2019.
Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
Thanks for having me!
I’ve went down a few different career paths before coming into this one. But at the core, it was always about trying to solve a problem.
Some of my childhood memories were working around the house with my parents, and as I’ve gotten more familiar with professional construction throughout my life with another project of mine; I noticed that dimensions (measuring, calculating, etc) is one of the most painstaking and mistake prone aspect of a project, yet also one of the most vital.
For PLOTT, we solve this problem by bringing the real world into virtual where you can design a space with scale and context, then bring you to the precise point in the real world to actually make that change — whether it’s drive in a nail to hang a picture, to put in a new tv entertainment system, or more complex construction work.
Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?
The story that sticks out the most was stories with my grandfather. He passed away from cancer. It was not an easy fight.
One of the things I remember the most is when he said to move forward in a way that when you look back, you can smile.
That memory always come up when I’m faced with big and daunting decisions.
Can you tell us about the “Bleeding edge” technological breakthroughs that you are working on? How do you think that will help people?
Currently the #1 reason people don’t do DIY projects is that measurements are too complicated and that projects rarely come out the way they expected it to look. What we have found is that 80% of people did not want to do another DIY project after attempting their first one for this very reason. Simply put people won’t do a project if they think it’s too difficult. For retailers in the DIY / Home Improvement market, people are not going to buy any products if they are not going to do the project. This is a shared problem for both consumers and retailers.
We Solve This.
Our XR (extended reality) platform enables our users to not just view and design the world virtually, like most other AR apps, but our hardware also bring them to the corresponding points in the real world. It is this combination of immersive technologies that enables our users to change their own physical environments from concept to completion without the need to do any math or calculations.
We are also integrating our platform with retailers where a marketing image on their site is no longer just an inspirational image, but also embedded with dimensions. For example, if a user likes a picture frame wall design for their family room, they can overlay the design in their own space to see exactly how it will look and fit, buy it, then follow our hardware to bring them to the precise points to hammer in the nail to actually bring that design into their own space in the real world.
Measurements & calculations are one of the most difficult, yet most vital aspect of a DIY / Construction project. The same problem affect users and retailers alike. Our Extended Reality platform is a solution that integrate users & retailers closer than ever before and solves the core problem together.
How do you think this might change the world?
We help Plotters change THEIR world.
Our platform bring real world into your phone so you can figure out how you want it to look, then bring that vision back to the real world.
We connect new users, avid DIYers, and retailers to create a community of Plotters that can create and share design that can be easily uploaded and downloaded to use and replicate. We make the process of home renovating and design more efficient saving our users time and hassle so they can spend the time actually enjoying their home.
Was there a “tipping point” that led you to this breakthrough? Can you tell us that story?
Pokemon. Charmander to be exact.
I remember Pokemon Go was what really showed the world how AR can help visualization and overlay the virtual into the real world. At the time, I was also renovating our basement and it was just a headache (almost quit 3 times throughout the project)
Being able to visualize a design and overlay it in the real world like Pokemon-Go to see how it would fit would be great. But that’s just half of the solution, because when I wanted to actually bring the design into my space in the real world, I had to go back to traditional tools, along with a lot of measurements and calculations.
I didn’t start a project to see it on my phone, visualization and overlays are great, but the gap was now how to bring it back out to the real world.
What do you need to lead this technology to widespread adoption?
Widespread adoption requires a culture and community around their products and services, validate through successful user experiences, and a product that actually solves a core problem.
We work with loud, passionate and ambitious DIYers to help educate the uniqueness and usefulness of our products. This education will help with the onboarding of how to use a product that is so new to the industry. Anything innovative takes a bit to learn its weather or not it’s worth learning is what matters. And we have a product that will make the lives of people much easier.
What have you been doing to publicize this idea? Have you been using any innovative marketing strategies?
We engage with loud and passionate enthusiasts and get them to share our vision. We just won Best of Innovation in AR (Augmented Reality) @ CES 2019, which we are very very proud and appreciative of. This is a single award given to the company the judges deem the most innovative in the field.
Validation through winning awards at international shows such as CES, Global Innovation Awards, Mobile World Congress and the National Hardware Show will help us grow our cohort of passionate DIYers and our Plott community.
ere a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
Our team, hands down. We’re no where close to where we are without the contributions and sacrifices of everyone.
How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?
We want to build a platform where anyone can change their environment from something they designed to a real world creation easily.
As a community, our users can get ideas or give inspirations to other DIY’ers who are looking to change their environment. Our platform enable users to share their proud creations with others and inspire them.

What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why. (Please share a story or example for each.)
- Prioritize. Obvious — until you’re faced with a list of things which ALL are vital.
- Which lead to the next one: You will end up making wrong choices. For me, a lot of them. And that’s ok. Learn as much as you can from it, move on. Physical bruises heal, make sure your mental ones do too.
- Support systems, emphasize is on the plural. I have two support systems, first one is advisors and mentors who challenges me, and we talk problems out. The other system consists of people who can tell you everything will be ok. You will need both.
- There will be times where it feels like the world is ending, until it doesn’t. Remind yourself why you started. Ask yourself is it worth it, and it’s ok if the answer is no. Only move forward if the answer is an honest yes.
- Enjoy the wins, they don’t always happen. Soak it in, remember those moments. Dig them up from your memory when you need it and use it to carry you through to the next one.
a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
If I could inspire a movement it would be exactly what I am doing now. Trying to ease the pain points of improving a home.
Doing projects yourself is something to be proud of and when you walk into your home and see that newly renovated living room or those new cabinets in your kitchen it makes you feel good. It’s an accomplishment to be proud of and gives you a whole new respect for your home.
DIY is growing and to be able to make it accessible to the everyday homeowner or renter that may not be an expert carpenter or contractor is what is going to grow this sense of pride in doing it yourself.
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
Focus on what won’t change.
Technology and innovation changes constantly, core problems do not. Focus on what won’t change first, then find the best available solution based on the tools available.
How can our readers follow you on social media?
You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @LetsPlott
Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational.
The Future Is Now: Now you can try out a DIY project in augmented reality before you make it in… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.