Paul Alex Of ATMT Together: Five Strategies I Used To Grow My Business To Reach Seven Figures In Revenue
An Interview With Fotis Georgiadis
Creative Thinker. Having vision and being able to articulate the vision to your team will increase your employees to work harder because now they have something to look forward to. Creative thinkers are also able to come up with new solutions that could increase productivity and overall help companies grow.
As a part of my series called “Five Strategies I Used To Grow My Business To Reach Seven Figures In Revenue”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Paul Alex from
Paul Alex is a former law enforcement officer turned multi-millionaire entrepreneur. He has experience in sales, public speaking and digital marketing consulting. He founded Automation Services to help clients establish their first Automated Teller Machine (ATM) locations. The company has helped educate an excess of over 48,000 aspiring entrepreneurs nationwide regarding the ATM industry and currently has over 1,500 clients enrolled into their ATM Automation program. For more information, please visit his website.
Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
In 2014, I joined the police force in northern California. I was able to become a Detective within 2 years of being a beat cop and during my 7-year law enforcement career, I established a side hustle with automated teller machines (ATMs) on my off days from work. Within 18 months, I was able to make a 5-figure income from the ATM Industry as a side hustle and was able to be financially free from my monthly bills. I decided to leave the police force and leverage my time with building a digital online offer within the ATM Industry.
In January 2021, I launched, which is a company primarily focused on helping 9–5ers create another source of income through ATMs. In March 2021, I surpassed my first 6 figures in revenue in one month. I hired and scaled the company since then into a multimillion-dollar company with 18 employees serving over 1,500 ATM automation clients nationwide in the United States. During the process, I also created the largest Facebook group in the ATM Industry called “ATM Business for Beginners’, where I do weekly FREE live training sessions to over 48,000 members nationwide.
We are on track to generate over eight figures by Q1 of 2023 and I’m officially launching a brand-new offer with Crypto ATMs as well!
Can you share the most interesting or funniest story that happened to you since you began leading your company? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?
To be fully transparent, I have several funny and interesting stories. The life of an entrepreneur is basically “controlled chaos”. I find it being more difficult as an entrepreneur now than when I was a detective investigating criminal cases. Even with a team of 19 employees and 3 managers, I have learned very quickly that I have to motivate my team to keep employee morale up in the workspace and assist my managers with problem solving and mindset development.
In order for me to stay disciplined and productive on a daily basis, I have several white boards in different rooms of my home. I have a morning, afternoon and evening checklist with different tasks that need to be completed daily.
In order for me to keep track of my priorities, I always focus on tasks that are going to generate revenue. Marketing & Client Acquisition are always on the top of my lists!
It’s the bread and butter of any business!
I’m an author and I believe that books have the power to change lives. Do you have a book in your life that impacted you and inspired you to be an effective leader? Can you share a story?
This may sound cliché, but a single book opened my eyes to start investing into digital marketing. It’s called “Digital Millionaire” by Dan Henry. It’s a very compelling story of rags to riches and how he was able to generate around $45,000 dollars from a single webinar online. Dan Henry is just a regular guy like me and I said to myself “if this guy can do it then why can’t I?” That’s when I decided to buy into his online program that shows beginners how to launch their own online program based on their expertise or niche. Since I had social proof within the ATM industry, I decided to launch my own online program on ATMs and the rest was history.
Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?
There are a few projects that my team and I have been working on for the past 6 months. Let’s go down the list.
- Consulting for Influencers (Consulting Task Force LLC) — This new offer will be for anyone who is an expert in their niche (Digital Marketers, Real Estate Agents, Fitness Trainers & etc.) that has never leveraged the online space to expand their business to new consumers. This offer will also be great for anyone in a 9–5 job that wants to create their own online business just like I did 2 years ago. I also guarantee new clients that they will be able to generate a minimum of $10k in revenue within 90 days! This offer will change thousands of lives in 2023 and create new digital millionaires all over the world. I’m excited to launch in January 2023.
- Crypto ELITE Automation ( — This new offer will be under the brand, which will be a plug and play offer for new clients. This offer will be 100% passive for any investor or new entrepreneur in the ATM industry. We will be including a brand-new crypto ATM, location for placement, professional installation and we will take care of filling up the ATM monthly with our armored guard services. We will be offering this package to 38 states in the United States for now. This will be launching on December 1st, 2022. This will help everyone in the United States generate another source of passive income while focusing on what they want to do in life. I believe in building generational wealth to help everyone and their families. I already invested into three crypto ATMs myself and plan on expanding to 20 crypto ATMs in San Diego, CA.
Awesome! Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. Let’s talk about what you are doing now, and how you achieved the success that you currently enjoy. Can you tell our readers about the business you’ve created?
I am currently in San Diego, CA right now focusing on building the new offers I stated above and getting ready to launch for 2023. I am also focusing on building a bigger team and infrastructure currently for Based on the amount of growth we have experienced in 2022, I can say that we will be expanding from 20 to 40 employees by the middle of 2023. I am planning on also moving to Miami, Florida towards the end of 2023 and opening corporate offices in the Brickell area of Florida. I want to be able to have our clients join us for in person training with our consultants and also offer exclusive in-house training for ELITE clients as well! I’m very excited for this move.
I was able to reach this level of success because I decided to invest in myself 2 years ago. I have invested over $200k in self education to learn how to build wealth in the ATM industry, digital marketing, public speaking and most importantly mindset. Mindset is everything in life. I had to go through the bad experiences and failures in life in order to realize that it made me stronger and I learned from all those life experiences. Pain is the best teacher in life.
For anyone that is reading this right now, find a mentor that currently has the results or lifestyle you want to live. Invest in yourself as soon as possible. Your life can change in 12 months with knowledge from people that are more successful than you. You have to learn in order to earn. is the first ATM Automation program that helps aspiring entrepreneurs build another source of income through ATMs. What is so special about this program is that we are a one stop shop, which includes a brand-new ATM, internet modem, FREE processing network, one location for ATM placement and a full team of consultants that will help you throughout the 4–6-week process from starting your LLC to ATM Installation. Your success is our success. This is a long-lasting relationship with our company. Let’s ATMTogether!
What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?
The story behind why I started in entrepreneurship was the foundation behind building my tangible ATM business and
I come from an immigrant family that lived in poverty. The most important factor while I was growing up was family and still is. Family is my “Why”.
When I was building, I launched the company by myself and I executed everything. I was waking up at 4am every morning to have consultations with clients before heading into the office to do my 9–5 job as a Detective in law enforcement. It was a grind, but within the 3rd month, I generated over $100,000 dollars within one month and that’s when I decided to leave my 9–5 job to grow the company. I even sold my house in Walnut Creek, CA and decided to move everything to San Diego. I ended up choosing to rent a Penthouse with the view of the city of San Diego and Coronado Island, which inspires me every single morning to push myself. I have the view of ocean front mansions that are worth over tens of millions of dollars. I love it. Keeps me wanting to level up every day. It’s been over a year now and I scaled from $1.7 million to $8 million dollars in revenue. We are going to cross over 10 million dollars in revenue within a few months and the company now has over 19 employees in 2022. I was able to also on board one of my good friends Gedam Yonas from my prior 9–5 job as my Chief Operating Officer for
The story on how everything was built and how it started is very unique since there are not a ton of entrepreneurs in digital marketing that come from law enforcement. Both professions are very different.
Majority of our 1500 clients can relate to our story and that’s how we are able to establish a foundation with our audience. The story behind the company or face of the organization helps the growth of any business tremendously.
What was your vision when you started this business? What’s the WHY behind the work that you do?
The vision behind starting was simple. helps anyone who does not have enough time or knowledge to build a sustainable income while being able to leverage our infrastructure to help them get to the level of success faster within the ATM Industry. When I started my own ATM business while working as a detective in law enforcement, I went through a ton of road blocks and mistakes that cost me thousands of dollars. If I would’ve been able to utilize the systems and support offers then I would’ve become a millionaire faster than it took me figuring everything out on my own. We have helped thousands generate another source of income successfully.
My “Why” is my family and to help others succeed in entrepreneurship. I have worked a 9–5 job majority of my life and I know how it is to struggle daily with going to a job you may not enjoy on daily basis. I want to give the people the opportunity to be their own boss if they chose to invest in themselves and become financially free like I did.
We’d love to explore the traits that help you achieve your success. What were the mindset obstacles that you had to overcome in order to reach the place of earning a million dollars?
Solution Driven. There will always be hiccups or roadblocks in your entrepreneurship journey. This is why you are getting paid the big bucks. I do not dwell on the past and I keep my eye on the prize. This pushes my team and myself towards our goals.
Confidence. You have to have self-esteem to admit mistakes when you make them, and the commitment to seek new solutions to address the mistake.
Creative Thinker. Having vision and being able to articulate the vision to your team will increase your employees to work harder because now they have something to look forward to. Creative thinkers are also able to come up with new solutions that could increase productivity and overall help companies grow.
What were the external obstacles that you had to overcome in reaching these milestones? And how specifically did you overcome them?
One of the biggest external obstacles my team and I had to overcome especially being in the digital space was dealing with scammers online. In the beginning it was extremely difficult building trust with potential clients due to the high number of consumers that have had a bad experience or been taken advantage of in the online space with other programs or consultants. I was able to overcome this external obstacle by being proficient with storytelling.
Storytelling and authenticity are the two biggest factors when it comes to personal branding. If it wasn’t for law enforcement and having years of experience with writing very detailed police reports on a daily basis, I believe I would have not been able to articulate my stories as well as I do when I speak on stage or during live webinars.
If you are currently building your personal brand, you have to have a story and be able to relate your story to what niche or industry you are currently in. Majority of your audience or cliental will relate, build a foundation and trust you. If you are selling services or a product then that would mean that you will have loyal clients.
Most new entrepreneurs have a major issue with storytelling because of fear. Most people are afraid of what other people might think of them. My best piece of advice would be to not care what anyone else thinks and to just execute.
If you want to be considered successful in the near future then you will have to fail in order to learn how to be successful.
Was there ever a point where you wanted to give up on your journey to creating a multi-million-dollar business? How did you work through that panic point? Please share a story.
When I installed my first 6 ATMs within 2 weeks of starting in the ATM Industry. 3 out of 6 ATMS were a bust! I barely made $50 dollars from 3 ATMs total.
I felt like a HUGE failure. I actually wanted to quit and start a new business.
Being that this was not the first time I have experienced failing in business, I did a few things to overcome this.
Analyze what went wrong.
Being that I had over a decade in sales experience and I was at the time a detective in law enforcement, I believed that starting the ATM business was not going to be a problem whatsoever. I actually thought it was going to be quite simple. I realized that I did not know what I was really doing and I needed to learn how to analyze locations to place my ATMs.
Found a Mentor.
What you don’t know is what you don’t know. Self-education is everything in entrepreneurship. I initially had a chip on my shoulder and thought my own experience would be more than enough to have a successful ATM business, which I had no prior experience in before. I realized that I needed to learn what works in this specific industry before I invested any more funds towards trying to scale a failing business. When I was able to hire a mentor that had over 1000+ ATMs and a successful business himself, I was able to adapt quickly. I removed the 3 failing ATMs and placed the ATMs in GREAT locations. Within my 3rd month of my new ATM venture, I was profiting around $3,000 dollars monthly. Getting a mentor is a game changer for any entrepreneur!
Invest in self education.
Spending over $200,000 dollars in mentors and self-education has been the biggest needle mover for me. I have been able to 40x my initial investment within a couple of years and have multiple businesses now. Self-education is the key to financial freedom.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
As I reached over $100,000 monthly in revenue by my 3rd month of launching as a one-person team, I realized quickly that it was not sustainable to try to grow a company by myself. The hardest part of building your own business or company is hiring the right people for the tasks you need covered.
Now as a team of 19 employees, we have quadrupled our business revenue since 2021.
I truly believe we have been able to scale our revenue tremendously due to having the right team in place and making sure everyone does their part. Team work makes the dream work and I am very grateful for the leaders of my organization that execute every single day.
My team is the best in the industry.

Great! Here is the main question of our interview. What are your “Five Strategies I Used to Grow My Business To Reach Seven Figures In Revenue”. Please share a story or an example for each.
I invested in my self-education as much as possible. I think it’s a very critical aspect to being an entrepreneur and growing your mindset in business. What you don’t know is what you don’t know. We are very fortunate to have access to great entrepreneurs all over the world, thanks to the internet and we can learn from other individuals that are exactly where we want to be in the future. I remember paying my consultant $30,000 dollars for a 1-year mentorship back in 2021. The ROI in that $30,000 dollars helped me think differently as a marketer and try different strategies that helped me scale to over 8 million dollars in revenue since January 2021. In order to earn you have to learn until you can take away the L.
I am huge on checklists. I always recommend every entrepreneur or even person who works from home to purchase a whiteboard. Structure your day the night before you go to bed. As soon as you wake up then you have a clear overview of what you have to accomplish for the day. By doing this daily, it’s going to help you with your mindset, but also is going to help you become more proactive by executing on your checklist. The greatest feeling at the end of the day is marking every task off my checklist that is accomplished. It will give you purpose.
Being Relentless
“No matter how good you are, you are replaceable.” We can be the best in our niche or industry, but there will always be others that are working towards the same goals, same ideas and trying to be better than you. This is why it is important to always develop your skills as much as you can and keep learning. Be obsessed and relentless with your craft. I had a ton of close friends and family members tell me that I made the wrong choice for leaving my 9–5 job as a Detective in law enforcement. A few years later, everyone tells me how proud and how they always knew I would be a multi-millionaire. Nothing in life comes easy, you have to give it your all everyday no matter what.
Solution Driven
There will always be hiccups or roadblocks in your entrepreneurship journey. This is why you are getting paid the big bucks. I do not dwell on the past and I keep my eye on the prize. This pushes my team and myself towards our goals.
Creative Thinker
Having vision and being able to articulate the vision to your team will increase your employees to work harder because now they have something to look forward to. Creative thinkers are also able to come up with new solutions that could increase productivity and overall help companies grow.
We are sure that you are not done. What comes next? What’s your next big goal and why? What plan have you put in place to achieve it?
Simplicity equals success. I am going to focus on scaling with our new Crypto ATM offer starting December 1, 2022. I will then execute Consulting for Influencers in January 2023 and help thousands of entrepreneurs start their online business. I love helping others become successful and I want to mentor individuals who share similar backgrounds like I had. Life is short and sometimes we need that extra push to get to the next level. Help is here and I’m ready to mentor anyone who is looking for my help.
You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
The #1 piece of advice I would give to everyone is to stop caring so much what people think about you. We are all human and no one is perfect. In order for anyone to reach a certain level of success means that they have failed before and know what not to do in order to succeed.
I was always afraid of what others would think about me. As I got older with more life experience, I finally realized that it does not matter. Most people do not care if you succeed or lose. Everyone is worried about their own life and you should be worried about accomplishing what you have to do. Life is too short to worry about what the next person is doing.
When I was younger, I always wanted to be perfect and wanted the stars to align with everything that I was going to do. In entrepreneurship, this rarely happens and to be honest, there are several days where I do not feel like getting out of bed at 5am to get that workout in or working that extra hour to finish a piece of content for my marketing content, but I stay disciplined and get it done. The “boring work” will get you to success. Stay disciplined and just get started.
We are very blessed that very prominent leaders read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them 🙂
I would love to have coffee with Joe Rogan. I believe the breadth of discussion and freedom from norms is the heart of his podcast. Joe Rogan is real and that’s what I like to provide as well to my clients and audience. Uncut and as real as it gets in entrepreneurship. I believe I could have an awesome podcast show with him that the masses would enjoy listening to.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us and our readers. We know that it will make a tremendous difference and impact thousands of lives. We are excited to connect further and we wish you so much joy in your next success.
Thank you for the opportunity to tell my story and I hope the readers enjoy it! This is just the beginning. For more information about our ATM ELITE Automation package, please check out my website
Paul Alex Of ATMT Together: Five Strategies I Used To Grow My Business To Reach Seven Figures In… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.