Margaret Sweeney Of Stand Together: Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During Turbulent Times

An Interview With Fotis Georgiadis

Communication is the start of any great relationship. Leadership requires intricate communication. The ability to say exactly what you mean is assertive confidence. The quality of my leadership has improved through the delivery of my communication. Addressing challenges directly has given me opportunities to rectify concerns in every area; When I feel overwhelmed or inadequate in any way, I communicate that to my team. Through being honest in my concerns, the trust is solidified when I return the belief in my team to help rectify situations beyond my control. The truth in the proverb; “Two heads are better than one,” allows me to continue to trust the ones closest to me.

As part of our series about the “Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During Turbulent Times”, we had the pleasure of interviewing Margaret Sweeney.

Margaret Sweeney Is living her truth in understanding the value of building quality relationships based on kindness and rooted in love. She has faced turbulent times and eloquently traversed. Leadership is a mindset for Margaret in her continued journey, pathed with the importance of appreciation, authenticity and forgiveness.

Thank you so much for your time! I know that you are a very busy person. Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’ and how you got started?

Humble beginnings create an appreciation for true value in education, relationships and leadership. Scrapping my way through high school was the beginning of truly deciding where my passion would lead. Four years in community college and an Associates degree was my first accomplishment leading me into motherhood; This is where my true character was beginning to blossom.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lessons or ‘take aways’ you learned from that?

My first experience in a leadership role was a management position at a local boutique, it was here that I gained knowledge of persistence and work ethic. Shortly after being hired I wanted to move up to management, gain expertise rapidly and be knowledgeable in the many product lines we carried in store. What I learned was that learning is a journey, development is a process and kindness is a skill. Upward movement within the business was inevitable for me because I wanted it. When I confronted my superior about a raise she crushed me when she said, “I’m just not feeling it.” To this I responded with overly kind sarcasm!

During my facade performance of being overly kind, I discovered a beautiful reality; Kindness is indeed contagious! My heart was softened throughout the next four years where I became well versed in dozens of boutique product lines and engaging daily side-by-side with my Interior designer mentor, Andrea. Andrea’s first response to my desire to accell gave me a realistic understanding that success is earned through persistence towards betterment of everyone, not a selfish gain. A thank you to the ladies of ‘The Cottage’ would be an understatement of the appreciation I have for each one of them for helping build my foundation of leadership.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?

Dianne, she gave me an opportunity that I will always carry with me. One day while behind the register at the boutique I was finishing up registering for Cosmetology school and my dues were just short of the amount I needed for my books. Payday never seemed to come soon enough and I was in a bind; Humbly I requested about $60 from my retired coworker with a promise to repay her in full on payday; To which she proceeded to pull out the hundreds of dollars to pay my total Cosmetology school dues. This kindness does not have a price tag nor did she ever ask for anything in return, she provided me with the seed that one day I will have the means to pay it forward just as she did for me that day.

Extensive research suggests that “purpose driven businesses” are more successful in many areas. When your company started, what was its vision, what was its purpose?

Purpose is the fulfillment feeling that floods through giving life to success. Personal growth, financial security and honest relationships, all require patience and understanding. Through self discovery is purpose. When I began networking the first place I started was LinkedIn where I reached out to CEO’s, Business owners, successful euntipreuers, ect. and inquired why they do what they do. The commonality in the successful individuals I interacted with was their purpose; To help others. Once we no longer are seeking personal gain, the opportunities to impact and inspire become constant. Purpose is not just what you want, it’s beyond self seeking measure and reflects your true character. When times become turbulent do you run to save yourself, or do you choose to procure change for the people? Leadership requires being able to decipher your wants from the needs of others, and being inspired enough to do something about it!

Thank you for all that. Let’s now turn to the main focus of our discussion. Can you share with our readers a story from your own experience about how you lead your team during uncertain or difficult times?

Uncertain and difficult times have been riddled through the recent years we have spent in the pandemic; Globally we all share the effects. Losing motivation, the lack of enthusiasm and feelings of self defeat are overwhelming and crippling; But, when we rely on the right people there is a surge of effective productivity. Leadership is a balance of confidence and courage to admit flaws. When I was unable to see the possibility of progress through adversity there was always a member of my team to reassure me that the everyday steps towards fruition were indeed working!

Did you ever consider giving up? Where did you get the motivation to continue through your challenges? What sustains your drive?

Yes, when giving up is an option it will always be considered; Changing my mindset to succeed no longer allows thoughts of failure. When you stop trying there is no way to win, but remaining diligent in my pursuit to impact the world around me has brought meaningful purpose to my everyday life. Challenges, when welcomed, are opportunities. My motivation is derived from simply being alive! Having the opportunity to impact others in amazing ways is enough to never quit! Everyone holds the power to inspire someone along their own journey. I will continue to enrich the lives I have the honor to be a part of.

What would you say is the most critical role of a leader during challenging times?

Remaining steadfast to the purpose. When any member of your team becomes overwhelmed it is the leader’s duty to reassure their importance. Leadership is the understanding that you can do it, utilizing all the resources available to you and crediting those assisting you along the way. True, valuable success is a team effort! Being a leader does not mean you have all of the answers, it means you have equipped yourself with the resources and fellow leaders to procure the best results for the team.

When the future seems so uncertain, what is the best way to boost morale? What can a leader do to inspire, motivate and engage their team?

The future is always uncertain so the focus must be on the everyday steps of the journey. Gaining new team members, facing new challenges and creating new ideas are all forms of growth and expansion. In these expansive moments we are strengthening our leadership skills by developing ourselves as leaders. Surrounding myself with people who truly want to see my success has encouraged me to gain knowledge in varieties of expertise. Being a ‘forever learner’ continues to keep my hunger for knowledge alive, inspiring those around me to follow by example and expand their knowledge as well. The constant learning from one another feeds new ideas and encourages others input as well.

What is the best way to communicate difficult news to one’s team and customers?

Honesty. Never lie. Bringing up unfortunate news is inevitable as a leader but your team trusts you to be honest; Do not disappoint the people supporting you. When communicating difficult news, be present, physically if you are able, but emotional presents are necessary for highly effective leadership. When a team faces challenges the leader has to be involved to help at every level. If the janitor is sick, sweep the floor yourself, switch the toilet paper roll, take the trash to the dumpster; These are simple ways to be humbled by the support you have surrounding you. Being thankful of the work your teammates are putting in allows delivery of difficult news a bit easier because you are involved in the repercussions. Prove your vested interest to your team by being involved each step of the way towards your goals.

How can a leader make plans when the future is so unpredictable?

As a leader, many responsibilities fall on my shoulders. Goal making is full of variables that have to be considered and constantly reevaluated along the way. Everything in life is subject to change, goal making is not excluded from that. Leaders have to rely on many factors when planning for future endeavors; Business, family, employees, clients and the list goes on. Using optimism to set reasonable goals with reward policies will inspire motivation and enthusiasm. If goals are not met, the leader has a responsibility to their investments to provide options where improvement can be applied.

The path to success is one wooden plank tied to another; Flexible in its ability to retain motion and sturdy enough in the knots facented to each step. No matter how uncertain the future steps feel, the leader has to believe in the assembly team enough to move forward.

Is there a “number one principle” that can help guide a company through the ups and downs of turbulent times?

The “number one principle” to help guide a team through all times; Passion. Your passion for change and betterment has to outway all fears, discomforts and insecurities. A leader deserves to credit the entirety of the team for successes; But, when turbulent times arise, the leader has to own up to failures. In these moments, a strong leader seeks advice. Admitting to shortcomings allows your team access to your vulnerabilities. This will open communication for your personal growth, team comradery and valuable goal setting through collaboration. A true leader breeds leaders by instilling leadership qualities in their team.

Can you share 3 or 4 of the most common mistakes you have seen other businesses make during difficult times? What should one keep in mind to avoid that?

The most common mistakes are all centered around one thing; Selfishness. When the leader begins to crave personal gain above the greater good of the team, trust is broken. Broken trust begins to spiral into a multitude of negativity; Competitive attitudes, exclusion, vindictive behavior, and any other projected turbulence. Internal friction will cause excellent employees to withdraw, valuable ideas to be lost and detrimental repercussions for everyone involved.

Reactive behavior can not be a quality a leader possesses. Do not allow your emotions to dictate your character, use your emotions to inspire your character. Remaining level headed to understand all aspects of each pivotal moment will allow greater opportunities to come to fruition.

Generating new business, increasing your profits, or at least maintaining your financial stability can be challenging during good times, even more so during turbulent times. Can you share some of the strategies you use to keep forging ahead and not lose growth traction during a difficult economy?

Please remember one thing to keep you going; Today your success rate is 100%. You have breath in your lungs and light in your soul; If after you are thankful for those two realizations you can accomplish anything you set your mind on. In the not so distant past, I have faced debt, hunger and loneliness. Understanding that each day provides an opportunity to gain knowledge, wealth and connection; Perhaps not all at once but the willingness to try and obtain one of these will provide the hunger to expand. Traction is not always monumental, it can look like slack or even giving up. When we allow our problems to overwhelm our goals, we lose sight of why we originally set those goals. Remembering why new connections, increasing wealth and obtaining knowledge are necessary will be how you continue to persist through all challenges.

Again; You are operating at a rate of 100% success!

Here is the primary question of our discussion. Based on your experience and success, what are the five most important things a business leader should do to lead effectively during uncertain and turbulent times? Please share a story or an example for each.

Highly effective leadership encompasses many valuable qualities. Turbulent times are unavoidable but offer opportunities to provide a necessary change to improve the trajectory; The main purpose of leadership. Narrowing these leadership qualities down to the five that will assist through turbulent times consists of deciding the importance of characteristics that will equip you to take charge; Create change. Once These five traits are implemented; The quality of leadership will triumph through turbulence.

1.) Communication is the start of any great relationship. Leadership requires intricate communication. The ability to say exactly what you mean is assertive confidence. The quality of my leadership has improved through the delivery of my communication. Addressing challenges directly has given me opportunities to rectify concerns in every area; When I feel overwhelmed or inadequate in any way, I communicate that to my team. Through being honest in my concerns, the trust is solidified when I return the belief in my team to help rectify situations beyond my control. The truth in the proverb; “Two heads are better than one,” allows me to continue to trust the ones closest to me.

2.) Active listening has to be procured and refined through using effective communication. Paired with communication, active listening invites complete understanding. Each individual of the team holds valuable insight from a different perspective; As a leader, engaging with team members to cultivate healthy communication involves displaying the qualities you want to see reflected back to you. When I need to be heard, I ask questions to engage the team’s interest. When people are more inclined to speak than to listen; Leadership should use this information to bridge the gap between ‘What I need’ and ‘What my team needs’. Actively listening to the responses of my team provides more solutions than questions. Knowing what is needed has equipped me to provide steps to improve discomforts.

3.) Organization will assist in navigating through difficult circumstances at a desired pace and orderly fashion. Deciphering the order in which tasks need to be addressed will give an organized outline for completion. Remaining persistent in the order of operations reassures that needs are met prior to wants and desires. Compiling a list of tasks, chores and requirements gives my team a clear outline of expectation. These expectations are categorized by importances and when completion is extremely time sensitive, making goals reward driven helps boost productivity. Working towards a main goal requires a leader to delegate equally important roles to different areas of expertise, simultaneously.

4.) Intuition encompasses trust in yourself with the trust of your team, eliminating second guessing. Believing in your intuition is necessary. Understanding the main purpose as a leader is about being intuitive when others are unsure. When challenges arise there is a risk involved, if my intuition tells me I will lose the trust of someone I trust then the risk is too great to pursue. When the risk of an action introduces a teaching moment to a valued member of my team, the reward is a job well done and a lesson learned. Deciphering the difference between opportunity and failure is reliant on my intuition; Morality is not situational it is either engaged or absent. When I make a conscious decision that will affect everyone within my leadership, I trust myself.

5.) The most important quality anyone can possess in leadership is passion. My only reason for wanting to succeed is to continue my passion of giving back. Today, there are individuals within my community who face; Homelessness, starvation, medical and financial needs that are overwhelming. My mother has worked her life to provide for her family, even in moments that left her with less than she deserved, her passion to raise well rounded women persists. Her interest in providing knowledge for navigation through turbulence in life has equipped me with the passion to take action in procuring a change. Passion is the sweet spot where interest and action meet change! Everyday is an opportunity to impact the world around you, I will do so with the same passion my mother instilled in me; To inspire the next generation to give what I have.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“No one can make you feel inferior.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

I saw this quote on the wall of the library at Mechanicsville Elementary School in the early nineties. The poster was of a girl with a red cape casting a shadow that covered the entirety of the poster, at least that is the image I have. Not knowing who Eleanor Roosevelt was or the definition of the word ‘inferior’, my interest peaked. Today, having researched inferior behavior I can give a reasonable explanation as to why this poster is so vividly impactful in my life. We can not blame others for our pain, hurt or guilt. The answer to liberation is forgiveness. Learning how to forgive is a lifelong process for me. This “Life Lesson Quote” has taught me that knowing my power to forgive will encourage others to be kinder to themselves and refuse to let deflective negativity become influential on their lives. Everyone deserves to see their worth; No one has the power to eliminate that from me. Thank you to Eleanor Roosevelt for her courage and wisdom that continues to inspire generations.

How can our readers further follow your work?

This is my first publication to date. It is my FIRST of many to come, that I can assure you!

I am on LinkedIn (Margaret Sweeney) and will continue to branch out to make valuable connections with individuals inspired by kindness and love. Until next time, Thank you for your time.

Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

Margaret Sweeney Of Stand Together: Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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