Teaching people from a young age to follow their intuition is the pathway to their genius. If more people are living from their genius, we can create so much more in the world. If children are aligning themselves with their intuition, they’ll be more confident and successful. Right now, our schooling system focuses on what society says a person should do and how they should act. In the schooling world I’d like to create, people would have the ability to find out what they want to do for themselves, without people telling them otherwise.
As a part of my series about “Big Ideas That Might Change The World In The Next Few Years” I had the pleasure of interviewing Sigourney Belle Weldon.
Sigourney Belle Weldon is an entrepreneur, author, spiritual teacher and business medicine facilitator. She made the conscious choice to embrace her authenticity in life, soul and business, which has helped her achieve net-new and greater successes. She has created and scaled several successful businesses globally and has coached thousands of clients worldwide as a business oracle through her revolutionary spiritual healing modality, the Feminine Frequency Formula. Sigourney is also the author of the internationally best-selling book, Leviathan. In her latest book, Wild Business, she offers readers a new paradigm of business consciousness by overthrowing the conventional rules and norms of our society and creating a positive movement to ensure more people, especially women, succeed in business by dropping their façade and realigning with their core truth(s). She is the founder of The Dark Empire, a full-scale branding machine that helps companies successfully build out their brand identity and establish a meaningful digital presence. Sigourney also counsels companies on strategic planning, presentation mastery, exploration and innovation.
Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit. Can you please tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
Ever since I was a child, I’ve been a very intuitive person, and I always knew that I was destined to help people. I grew up constantly questioning mainstream education and business models and knew that my beliefs didn’t align with the status quo. It wasn’t until I had a near death experience at 26 years old that I began to understand what my purpose in life was.
I was on a trip to India visiting a boy I’d been supporting through his schooling. We happily met up to share a meal. Knowing that I enjoy trying to live like the locals do on my travels, he suggested we meet at a casual local restaurant that he said had the best food in town. Even though I was hesitant, I decided to try the restaurant. Unfortunately, my intuition was right, and the next day, I got really sick. After a week in bed without food or water, the owner of the hostel I was staying in came to check on me and arranged for me to be taken to a local hospital.
I was diagnosed with dysentery, a bacterial infection that had left me incapacitated and very near to death. I was paralyzed, but it felt more like I was experiencing some sort of spiritual awakening versus a physical death. While brutal, this near-death experience led me directly to the work I do today, and to where I personally feel the most fulfilled: helping others overcome their physical, spiritual and inherited pains and drawing them closer to their divine, eternal being.
Can you please share with us the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?
After many years of working in traditional therapy and holistic healing, I decided that I wanted to pause this career path to become an author. At that time, I used to use a raven wing for healing and I had lost it. In a ritual I did after losing the wing, I called it in to get another one. A week later, a girl named Raven contacted me saying she really loved what I stood for and wanted to ghost write my next book. I felt like the universe was confirming that my work as an author was meant to be!
Which principles or philosophies have guided your life? Your career?
I have one philosophy that coincides with both life and career: I believe that sovereignty of choice and freedom are imperative in building a business. Our traditional business models don’t allow for personal power + freedom to be had, and COVID-19 is shifting this. It is making us all slow down, reassess our lives and sit with what we truly want. Many people are breaking free of mainstream business models to start working for themselves. When you have sovereignty in your life, your career strengthens and vice versa.
Okay, thank you for that. Let’s now move to the main focus of our interview. Can you tell us about your “Big Idea That Might Change The World”?
I want to have principles of magic and intuition taught in schooling systems. I can visualize starting a Hogwarts-equivalent for children starting at a young age. Children innately follow their intuition, and when they step into the adult world, it gets rejected because society tells us how to live. We’re told what’s the norm and what not, and if you don’t follow the status quo, you’re thought to be an outsider. This is why if we teach people to follow their intuition rather than being taught that there’s only one right way to do something, we would see more people thriving in our society.
How do you think this will change the world?
Teaching people from a young age to follow their intuition is the pathway to their genius. If more people are living from their genius, we can create so much more in the world. If children are aligning themselves with their intuition, they’ll be more confident and successful. Right now, our schooling system focuses on what society says a person should do and how they should act. In the schooling world I’d like to create, people would have the ability to find out what they want to do for themselves, without people telling them otherwise.
Keeping “Black Mirror” and the “Law of Unintended Consequences” in mind, can you see any potential drawbacks about this idea that people should think more deeply about?
Children need guidance because their logical minds are still developing. If you let their intuition run free while they’re learning, that’s also an issue. With too much freedom, there’s a possibility for chaos, without order. I believe that it is important, within cultures, that elders’ wisdom is respected, provided the information and teachings are appropriate for those learning. Where this becomes difficult is that each individual operates differently. I believe we need models which are able to support the individual learning blueprint of a child, not a one size fits all approach.
Was there a “tipping point” that led you to this idea? Can you tell us that story?
I was a “bad” student from the start. Well, not really bad, but I just didn’t fit into mainstream education models. Because my intuition was so strong and I didn’t agree with what society was telling me was correct, I couldn’t absorb any of the information being taught because it didn’t interest me. I was hard to discipline and created a lot of issues for myself in school. However, this is because I didn’t have a model that worked for me and I needed to be able to explore creatively. This is why I’d like to provide others with this model to emulate. To keep children connected to the realms of imagination & magic.
What do you need to lead this idea to widespread adoption?
Firstly, a system which supports us to assess learning styles and individual blueprints. I dream of a schooling system where we are aware of children’s astrology charts, amongst other maps which help us to assess the individual learning needs and genius of a child.
We would need to actually show that this model works. We need to inform teachers on how this practice works and let them transition to it slowly. It can’t happen overnight. It’s also important that the teachers understand this model and lead by example. With this, we can show that the practice really works and provide a model for future generations.
What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why. (Please share a story or example for each.)
- The roadblocks I hit are there to teach me: In the beginning I thought every roadblock was there to tear me down. However, I’ve found that these aren’t setbacks in my career. Rather, they are showing me what I need to move toward. The first year I started my business, I had legal problems come up. While this was detrimental at the time, it showed me that I needed all of the appropriate law contracts in place before anything else.
- Outsource anything that isn’t your genius: For a while, I had people on my team who didn’t align with my beliefs. However, it wasn’t until one time that I was bitten by a tick and got very sick that I realized the people on my team weren’t there for the right reasons and didn’t support me. After returning from my illness, the people on my team had all left the company. I found this ironic because a tick represents something being sucked out of you, and that’s kind of what my team was doing to me. They were taking from the business, but not adding to it. Realizing this gave me the opportunity to find people who really aligned with my beliefs. Since then, all team members that have joined me have stayed by my side for a year or more.
- Be honest about the work you’re doing: There was one woman who came into a job at my company, but she didn’t like being there and she neglected to share that information with me. She ended up taking a few too many risks for my business that had the potential to ruin a lot of relationships I had made. If she had only spoken up, this could have been avoided. I was also extremely busy at that time and was not spending enough time checking in with the team- this has prompted me to have more regular review dates to ensure that my team members are satisfied and enjoying working within my business; which is of utmost importance as I want my team to thrive.
- Have patience: Know that it takes time. Pace yourself and don’t burn yourself out. In the beginning of my business, I wanted everything to go right, so I overdid it. I worked extra hours, and did everything I could to get my business off the ground. This nonstop lifestyle takes its toll after a while. Now that I’m pregnant, I can see the toll that overworking took on me, and now it’s my opportunity to slow down and take it all in.
- Know that people want to support you: You need to believe that you’re worthy of support. I worked so much in the beginning of my career that I often forgot to look after my wellness. I wanted to do everything myself and didn’t ask for help. However, I had people around me that could have helped me be more successful and not have the massive burnout that I did: I just needed to know that I was worthy of that support, which after a lot of self work, I now do.
Can you share with our readers what you think are the most important “success habits” or “success mindsets”?
Having a morning daily ritual that includes visualisation + meditation is one of the best things that I do to have a successful mindset and bring ideas to life. If our creativity is stuck or stifled, we are not productive. Creating and maintaining a daily ritual opens up your mind and empowers you to achieve what you hope for in any given day.
Movement is also key. When our own life force is not engaged, our business will also become stagnant.
Moving your body and getting out into nature, to keep your energy and creative levels high. I personally receive one bodywork/energy alignment session a week, as well as exercising and getting out into nature daily. This ensures that my creative energy is flowing and not stagnant, which is essential in order to maintain a business that is thriving, innovative and alive.
Some very well known VCs read this column. If you had 60 seconds to make a pitch to a VC, what would you say? He or she might just see this if we tag them
We are already looking for solutions as to how we can live on Mars, in case the Earth becomes inhabitable.
My desire is to see that this does not become the case; that we start tending to the environment we live in so that our children and the future generations are nourished by the land that they live on.
The change that we are needing right now, is largely dependent on the minds of the future generations to come. We’re at a pivotal point in the world where we can make a change, starting with our youngest generation. They are the generation that will help give back in philanthropic ways, and our energy should be spent making sure we are providing them with the resources needed to change the world for the better.
This is why I desire to recreate schooling systems that are using sustainable technology, that are working with/on the land and that support the individual genius and blueprint of a child to come alive.
How can our readers follow you on social media?
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sigourneybelle/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sigourneybelleasatara
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/sigourneyweldon
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-IhYxWpMKzaMPPYiEtFNIg
- Website: https://www.sigourneybelle.com
Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational.
A Hogwarts-Equivalent For Children: Sigourney Belle’s Big Idea That Might Change The World was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.